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AD2000 City Goals
AD2000 Cities Process
Inter-City coordinator
Partnership Processes
Research Goals


The initial role of the Country Coordinator is to start a spark in each city which will eventually lead to the church of that city taking responsibility for the evangelizing of their city. At some point in this process it will be good to take the leaders of some cities where the spark has been nursed into a fire, and bring them together for a consultation.

Objectives of Consultation

w To sense what God is doing, has done, and desires to do in these cities.

w Raise the shared vision for evangelizing and transforming cities.

w Seek to bring reconciliation between city leaders.

w By looking at case studies on reaching cities, and research on cities, catalyze and expand on existing plans.

w Emerge ways that apostolic, prophetic and evangelistic Leadership can work together for an ongoing multi-church strategic approach to evangelism in each city.

w Look at useful publications that will assist new evangelistic efforts.

w Each city Leadership team will leave with tools they can use and a plan they have begun working on for their city.


w Look at existing citywide models that are working from several cities in the region (15 minute presentations, 15 minute discussion)

w Look at patterns that recur in many cities and some of the generic processes and principles that emerge.

w Look at principles from other cities around the world.

w Discuss a progression of consultations and events that can accelerate city-wide processes in the region.

Expected Outcome of a Regional Consultation

w Vision: Emergence for the first time of a vision for the cities and for the cities of the region as a whole, becomes collectively owned by Leadership from within the region. Synergism comes when top level leaders share experiences of how they have been used of God to generate movements, resulting in a wave of creativity.

w Mobilization into penetration of new areas evangelistically or transformationally, and into least evangelized cities on other continents.

w Increase in Unity: Reconciliation between city leaders across national, racial, and denominational lines. At a regional level this enables apostolic leaders to work together who often are unused to working closely with other apostolic leaders. Relationship leads to partnerships on common causes.

w Leadership Emergence: Emergence of a strategic Leadership team for the cities in the region. Then the region. The primary result of outside catalysts is emergence of new Leadership around common goals.

w Specialized Partnerships or networks formed. In such an environment common concerns are voiced, and partnerships are catalyzed on a regional basis. For example, networks of theological educators, or researchers, or those working with aids victims.

w Citywide Strategic Planning Initiated or Developed: Consultations catalyze the emergence of a research function within the cities, the development of a basis for shared planning, and the bringing together of strategic leaders around the planning process.

w Release of New Ministry Through Theological Breakthroughs: Emergence of theological integration or breakthroughs occur in a consultative environment that releases new waves of life in the cities.

Pre-Conference Preparation

w Each city should get large maps and large overlays of the city, and have an initial church directory prepared.

w Different leaders should have prepared a presentation of the strategy for each city (10 mins each, with 10 mins for questions). Ask them for not longer than two page summaries. A main story and a key principle.

w Make sure there is an overhead projector (and a secretary who can use the laptop computer to type up case studies as people speak)

w Invite 3 key Christian leaders from secular fields to give 10 minute presentations (and 10 mins for questions) on their vision for their profession in this city if it was functioning under the Kingdom .

w Discover if there is a prayer and/or music leader who can work with you in the power of the Spirit (yet sensitively recognizing the diversity of denominations), in ministry among the pastors.

w Draw up a chart to plot for all the cities involved, numbers of churches per city, numbers of Protestant churches, numbers of Christian workers.

Consultation Topics

The following are some suggestions for cities consultations. No two consultations are the same. The central element in the process is story-telling with a view to moving towards clearer strategic plans.

A Vision for the City: From Genesis to Revelation

Birthing a Strategic Process for Evangelizing A City

w Professionals give their Vision for the city (10 minute presentations by 3 people with discussion).

Emerging City Leadership Teams

w Time of Prayer and Reconciliation

Seeing the City: What is God Doing in the City? Researching the City

(Teaching Session :1 session of 2 hrs or 2 sessions of 1 hr each)

w Production of 5 Booklets

w City Mapping Exercise

w Emerging a Prophetic Message

Message: Spiritual Warfare Prayer and Taking Cities

(Teaching 1 1/2 hours, Discussion 1 hour)

w What does it mean to take a city?

w What is the Role of Intercession?

w Spiritual Powers and the city

Case Studies: City Strategies

w Each afternoon have each city present a 15 minute case study on processes that have developed in their cities, with 10 minutes discussion and 10 minutes prayer (timing depends on number of cities in consultation).

Teaching Sessions: The Practice of Churchplanting

Small Group Meeting With the City Leadership Team

w Discussion of next steps

w Discussion of Publication development

w Discussion of Press Release

Urban Ministry Training Ideas

w Lay Leadership Development / Small Group Movements

w Training Centers

w Research Centers

w Cultural Training Centers

Time of Intercession


w Production of manual or stories.

w Network integration

horizontal rule

Home | Introductions | 1. Mega-City Context | 2. Processes | 2A. City Purpose | 2B. Building Blocks | 2C. Catalytic Events | 2D. Fathering Cities | 2E. Networks | 3. City Models | 4. Inter-City Networks | 5. Inter-City Models | 6. Resource Materials | Urban Leadership Manual | References

 © Viv Grigg and the Encarnação Alliance Training Commission
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Last updated: 05/15/09.